
Check back often for updates to different OSIF Contests

The Oner

One Take to Rule Them All!  Put your filmmaking skills to the test by creating a short film in a single take.  No tricky editing techniques, no unbroken shots, just a well planned, well blocked, well rehearsed scene.  Can you do it in a Oner?

Click here for more info on 'The Oner'

Snakebite 5-Day

In partnership with the Snakebite Film Festival filmmaking teams have 5 days to write, shoot and edit a short film.  Much like a traditional 48 hour film festival, your team will be given a line of dialogue, a prop, a choice of genre/theme, and a character to come up with a unique and creative story to produce within 5 days.

Click here for more info on the Snakebite 5-Day

Fake Trailer Contest

In a World... Where trailers are made for movies that will never exist.  OSIF brings to you the Greatest Fake Movie Trailer Ever Contest.

We want you to create a fake trailer to a non-existent film.  Make the fake trailer so believable that people think it's an actual movie coming out.  Show us the best moments of the film that will have people craving to watch a film they will never see.

Click Here for more info on the 'Fake Trailer Contest'

Déjà View

Ever felt you've seen the same film before, even though you haven't?  We call that Déjà View. This experiment contest is simple:  We give filmmaking teams the exact same script to shoot and edit.  What we hope to get are completely different results.

We want to see how different creative minds interpret and produce the same idea.

Click Here for more info on Déjà View

Script 2 Screen

Script 2 Screen is a screenwriting and pitch contest.  Applicants must submit their short script along with a detailed submission list based around their project.  They then have to pitch their project to a panel of judges.  The judges will decide what project will win a prize package to help complete their short film.  Furthermore, their film will be played on the big screen at an OSIF Festival.

Click Here for more info on 'Script 2 Screen'

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